KWIH's core values are vital in the company's overall operation and brand building. The Group's core values are categorized into four areas, namely Professional Integrity, Continuous Improvement, Personal Effectiveness and Managerial Effectiveness.

Spirit of Core Values
KWIH's core values, commitments, policies and codes as determined by the Board under the leadership of the company's Chairman are vital in the company's overall operation and brand building. The company's corporate cultures and strategies are taken into consideration in determining the business model, mission and vision. Those values and principles are embedded throughout the company's Code of Conduct, Whistleblowing Policy, Anti-Corruption Policy and other relevant policies which are communicated with the senior management and staff through the Staff Handbook, staff orientation, intranet, trainings, slogans and where appropriate.
As a people-oriented enterprise, KWIH's spirit of core values emanate from the interior to the exterior, which means the employees must apply the business principles and ethics, consistent with those expected by the company, and regard the core values as the blueprint for and the indicator of their daily performance. On one hand, they work with fairness, integrity and responsibility internally; on the other hand, they take ownership of the brand and are responsible to the customers, investors and the public externally. Core values can only be effectively carried through and become the common ethic amongst the staff by effective communication. A unique corporate culture and brand image are thus essential to make the goal achievable.
The Board, with management's support, is responsible for overseeing and monitoring the company's operations executed in the way aligned with the company's culture and its mission and vision, value and strategy through evaluation of both qualitative and quantitative indicators.
KWIH upholds the highest ethical standards and accountability throughout its operations and has an explicit zero-tolerance approach for any fraudulent or unethical conduct. All employees are required to follow the Code of Conduct which details the company's compulsory requirements in respect of responsible business conduct. To ensure whistle-blowers having no concerns to report grievances without fear of reprisal, all cases are treated with strict confidence and submitted to designated personnel for further investigation.