Building A Sustainable Future
GO GREEN @ K. Wah | Lai See Packet Recycling Campaign
Building on the enthusiastic support received last year for the "Lai See Reuse and Recycle Programme" in collaboration with the environmental organisation Greeners Action, K. Wah International (“KWIH”) is setting up lai see packet recycling boxes again this year, inviting colleagues to donate their used red packets. The collected red packets will be processed and sorted by Greeners Action, giving them a "new life", helping to reduce waste, lower carbon emissions, and support a greener community.
GO GREEN @ K. Wah | Supporting the Green Low Carbon Day to advocate low-carbon life

K. Wah International (KWIH) actively supports the Green Low Carbon Day 2024 organised by The Community Chest of Hong Kong, with the aim of promoting sustainable and low-carbon life. With the theme of “Share, Enjoy & Cherish Green”, the event raised funds for green-related projects of The Community Chest such as food recycling and assistance, redistribution of community resources, and more. Colleagues are encouraged to actively participate, and those who made donations have received Green Low Carbon Day commemorative tickets, allowing free rides on the MTR on 16 and 17 June, to encourage low-carbon travel.
GO GREEN @ K. Wah | Zonta Club of The New Territories “Low Carbon Cooking and Living for the Environment and the Future” Ceremony

K. Wah International (KWIH) collaborated with the Zonta Club of The New Territories, organised a Low Carbon Living and Healthy Eating Workshop earlier this year. The workshop aimed to encourage colleagues to engage in hands-on, do-it-yourself (DIY) eco-friendly cooking and adopt a low-carbon diet. Recently, Zonta Club of The New Territories held a ceremony with the theme of " Low Carbon Cooking and Living for the Environment and the Future" to conclude the event. As one of the sponsors of the event, KWIH was awarded a commemorative trophy in recognition of its strong support in promoting the message of embracing low-carbon lifestyles.
GO GREEN @ K. Wah | Low Carbon Living and Healthy Eating Workshop

K. Wah Social Club collaborated with the Zonta Club of The New Territories, organised a Low Carbon Living and Healthy Eating Workshop. The workshop aimed to encourage colleagues to engage in hands-on, do-it-yourself (DIY) eco-friendly cooking and adopt a low-carbon diet through understanding food carbon emissions.The event was filled with a wide range of activities. Participants had the opportunity to showcase their creativity in cooking by making vegan sesame crisp cookies and mini tarts with tofu yogurt using innovative culinary techniques. Participants also explored the integrated conservation heritage at Green Hub, understood ecologically valuable plant cultivation and receiving small potted herbs, further embracing a low-carbon lifestyle.
GO GREEN @ K. Wah | Lai See Reuse and Recycle Programme

K. Wah International (“KWIH”) held the "Lai See Reuse and Recycle Programme" during the Lunar New Year, encouraging colleagues to donate used red packets to the environmental organisation Greeners Action for recycling and reuse. Thanks to the active participation of colleagues, the programme received enthusiastic responses! KWIH will continue to organise a series of activities in response to “GO GREEN @ K. Wah” initiative throughout the year, promoting sustainable development in the community.
KWIH takes action to promote a waste-free lifestyle and spreads positive vibes to the community

K. Wah International ("KWIH") takes action to promote a waste-free lifestyle and spreads positive vibes to the community! Under the guidance of World Green Organisation representatives, KWIH volunteers upcycled domestic food waste into all-natural eco-enzyme cleansers. Nothing can be more perfect than making a cleanser that is gentle on skin and pleasant to use while protecting our environment at the same time. The workshop was completed with handmade hand sanitisers, which will be distributed to the needy by KWIH volunteer team to share love and blessings to our community.
KWIH sponsored the "Day run Night Walk for The Green Earth 2019"

KWIH sponsors the "Day run Night Walk for The Green Earth 2019" to spread the message of Cherish the Earth and promote a "zero-waste" lifestyle. K. Wah colleagues and their associates formed a corporate team to join this green walk. While standing at Tai Mo Shan, a place in Hong Kong closest to the starry sky, participants experienced how the starry sky be overshadowed by the light pollution in the city. Everyone managed to finish the night walk with cheers and was proud to render full support to this green initiative!
KWIH joined hands with Greeners Action for the Lai See Packet Recycling and Reuse Campaign

KWIH joins hands with Greeners Action for the Lai See Packet Recycling and Reuse Campaign. We have set up lai see packet collection points at offices, gave out recycled lai see packets to staff, and signed the Greeners Action's Charter on "Eco-Friendly Lai See Packets". Let's go green and use lai see packets in a more eco-friendly way!
KWIH sponsored Walk For Nature hosted by WWF-Hong Kong

K. Wah International Holdings Limited ("KWIH") sponsored Walk For Nature hosted by WWF-Hong Kong for the very first time! Our colleagues and their families walked along the 5km path at Mai Po Nature Reserve to enjoy the beautiful scenery and discover the unique plants and animals in wetland habitats. They also had so much fun at interactive check-points to learn about the importance of conserving natural environment and biodiversity.
KWIH sponsors the "Walk for The Green Earth 2018"

KWIH sponsors the "Walk for The Green Earth 2018" to promote a non-wasteful green lifestyle. K. Wah colleagues and their associates also formed a corporate team to join this green walk. While enjoying the magic moment from daylight to sunset and the starry night sky, participants also got a chance to rethink about different environmental problems behind the city lights. Everyone managed to finish the night walk with cheers and was proud to render full support to this eco-friendly initiative!
KWIH became the supporting partner of the first edition of Global Goals Jam
K. Wah International Holdings Ltd ("KWIH") has been proactively promoting sustainable development and is honoured to become the supporting partner of the first edition of Global Goals Jam (GGJ). Led by the United Nations Development Programme, the Global Goals Jam is a two-day event consisting of short design sprints in 70 cities where designers, developers and jammers from the local community will work together in designing actionable interventions toward achieving the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by the year 2030. In this year's GGJ, participants will have the opportunity to design and test solutions related to five main SDGs, including no poverty, good health and well-being, gender equality, affordable and clean energy, and sustainable cities and communities.
KWIH sponsored the "Walk for The Green Earth - Night Walk at Tai Mo Shan 2017"

KWIH sponsored the "Walk for The Green Earth - Night Walk at Tai Mo Shan 2017" to support low-carbon green life. K. Wah colleagues and their associates formed a corporate team to join this activity on 25 February 2017. While they were walking and talking leisurely along the hill path, they felt excited to watch the beauty of the country park from daylight to sunset. Finally, they managed to finish the experience walk in two hours with cheers and were proud to have given their support to the eco-friendly initiative!
Management and staff of KWIH and the J. Metropolis project joined a charitable tree planting activity in 2016

In support of the annual Tree Plantation Day, the management and staff of KWIH and the J. Metropolis project joined the teachers, students and parents of J. Metropolis School in a charitable tree planting activity on 10 March 2016. Osmanthus treelings were being planted and greetings cards with well-wishing and inspirational messages for the students were hung on the small trees. The initiative was also symbolic of J. Metropolis School's effort to inspire and educate people to become virtuous as well as skilled members of the society.
J. Metropolis is a major project of KWIH Group in Huadu. In line with its pursuit of excellence in quality, the Group has invested RMB100 million to build the J. Metropolis School alongside the residential complex, in order to provide students with a quality schooling environment in a well-equipped campus."
KWIH sent four members to join the 22nd Green Power Hike in 2015

KWIH (Hong Kong Properties), known for its exquisite yet environmentally friendly properties, sent four members to join the 22nd Green Power Hike on 7 February 2015. They participated in the 10km Property Management Cup, a walkathon kicked off at Aberdeen Country Park. Donation raised from the event will be used to support local environmental education for building a greener future.
KWIH acted as a member of COOL Corporate of Friends of the Earth

As a member of COOL Corporate of Friends of the Earth, KWIH continues to be a good citizen and improve its environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance.
KWIH remains the Saturn Partner of Friends of the Earth for three consecutive years

As the Saturn Partner of Friends of the Earth for three consecutive years, KWIH continues to incorporate environmentally-friendly features into its daily operations and project developments to promote sustainable development and green living.
KWIH Social Club volunteers participated in the Tree Planting Challenge 2014

KWIH Social Club volunteers participated in the Tree Planting Challenge 2014 organized by Friends of the Earth (HK) on 27 April 2014. During the day, a group of enthusiastic volunteers got together at Ma On Shan Country Park and teamed up for tree-planting on the hill. They planted 120 trees under the hot weather, helping to conserve natural vegetation and reduce carbon footprint.
KWIH has become a Saturn Partner of Friends of the Earth for the second consecutive year

KWIH has become a Saturn Partner of Friends of the Earth for the second consecutive year by cultivating a green workplace through energy-saving and waste reduction.
KWIH has signed up for the Earth Partner programme organised by Friends of the Earth

KWIH has signed up for the Earth Partner programme organised by Friends of the Earth (HK), under which management and staff will lend themselves to various initiatives in environmental protection. In support of the programme which was launched on Earth Day 22 April 2012 under the theme of Greenability 360°, KWIH has introduced an Electronic Product Recycling Campaign to collect unwanted computer products and inkjet cartridges and pass to charity organizations for recycling purpose. Internal communications through electronic means, in lieu of printed copies, are also being encouraged. Employees are urged to turn off unused lights and computer monitors during lunch hours as part of the efforts to build a green office environment.
K. Wah staff of Guangzhou Property Division took part in the tree planting activity

In June 2007, K. Wah staff of Guangzhou Property Division took part in the tree planting activity on Baiyun Mountain, organized by the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the People's Government of Guangzhou Municipality, to build a green environment together.