The Group believes its success, long-term growth and development depend upon the quality, performance and commitment of its employees. The Group prides itself on its commitment to its employees as we treat them as valuable assets as well as family members.
Staff Excellence Award

Staff Excellence Award has put in place to recognize the outstanding performers for the year.
Long Service Award
Long Service Award is presented each year to recognize employees' loyalty to the Group.
Employee Relations and CSR Activities

The Group encourages its employees to maintain a healthy balance between work and outside pursuits. Social Club and the Human Resources Department organizes different social and recreational activities for staff and their families, such as theme park outing, movie watching, BBQ and Annual Dinner. Different interest classes like art jamming, yoga, and cooking are also held regularly. Moreover, there are staff gatherings which create an informal networking platform for staff to communicate, share and interact with each other in different aspects. Employees are also encouraged to participate in charitable activities like Walk for Millions and volunteering work every year to serve the community.